Our Process

Over the three decades we’ve been in business, we've has mastered the science of human chemistry. We employ our proprietary five-fold requirements model to obtain a holistic view of your hiring needs, deciphering which employees will most successfully fill the role. VMG goes beyond merely shuffling resumes and matching skills. We ascertain the core characteristics necessary for a employee to succeed, ensuring not only that they have the necessary competencies, but the character, motivation, and cultural fitness to propel your business forward.

Strategy Call

  • This strategy call gives us the chance to get to know your company and your situation.
  • We learn about the skills your new employees need to have.
  • We uncover the soft skills your employees must have.
  • We discern about your office culture inside and out.
  • We will predict your needs.

Structured Interviews

  • Every position is different.
  • Every manager is different.
  • Every marketplace is different.
  • That’s why we take the time to craft performance and behavioral based interviews.
  • We’ve got our own unique process, and we’re always working to improve it.
  • With our custom interviews, we’ll make sure the candidates you see are fitted to your culture and skills requirements.

Weekly & Monthly Updates

  • We know how important it is to keep communication flowing.
  • That’s why we schedule a 15-minute phone call every week.
  • We keep you updated on progress and make sure we know if your needs change.
  • In addition to the weekly call you will receive a written monthly report.
  • We want you to see our progress.

First Candidate

  • Ideally, you’ll talk to the candidate and let us know how it goes.
  • It’s important that we hear your thoughts on the new candidate.
  • That way we can see how close we are to the mark.
